JC FajardoPhotography

JC Fajardo - Photography

Portfolio Gallery

Thematic Gallery

6 Meses en la Rijana

Many times we obsess over great landscapes in great places far from home and forget or leave aside the landscapes we have near home.

During a short season I was lucky enough to live relatively close to this beach. When I discovered it for the first time, a love at first sight was born between that landscape and me.

This beach known as "La Rijana" is a much more grateful beach for sunrises than for sunsets. And for many have been the morning that witnessed the sunrise from its shore along with the odd evening and night that I have lived in this place.

With this series I want to pay homage to this small corner of the coast of Granada.

It was 6 months that I was continuously visiting this beach. Still after 6 months there are many pictures that haunt my head on this beach that I could not make.

El baile de las cenicientas

Los guardianes de las montañas


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Mapa de localizaciones fotográficas

contenidos © Juan Carlos Fajardo Juansite by Bluekea